Alumni Affairs Office

The Baguio Colleges Foundation Alumni Association can trace its origin to the first graduating class.

In 1947, Baguio Colleges was able to graduate one student and in the succeeding year, 76 students. At its 71st year of existence, UC-BCF was able to produce more than 80, 000 alumni from the elementary, high school, graduate and post-graduate levels.

In the early days, the BCF Alumni Association was mainly a social group whose interest is centered on the affairs of the college. During the 1980's, active alumni groups have initiated the creation of a university-wide Alumni Association which was eventually named as the UC-BCF Alumni Association. Atty. Erdolfo V. Balajadia was elected President and is still serving the alumni association to this day.

The fast-growing number of alumni also made the university decide to establish an Alumni Office. The primary function of the Alumni Office is to act as liaison between the university and its alumni. The office also facilitates the giving of timely information regarding university updates, events, programs and community projects that the alumni can be part of. The Alumni Office is in active partnership with the Office of the Student Affairs and Services in the preparation of alumni career development programs.


The mission of Alumni the Alumni Affairs Office is to inform, engage and inspire alumni to stay connected to their alma mater to support its vision and contribute to its success.


The UC Alumni envision itself to be the primary campus-wide alumni relations organization responsible for building a broad alumni community that supports the University and the community.

Alumni Programs and Services

  1. Alumni Assistance: Alumni shall be assisted in their university transactions and queries especially those who are already working or based abroad.
  2. Campus Tour: Alumni can arrange for a guided campus tour in UC.
  3. Hosting of Alumni Activities: UC may serve as the venue for alumni meetings and/or other appropriate gatherings or activities. Reservations shall be facilitated by the Alumni Affairs Office.
  4. Open Invitation to Institutional Events/Activities: Alumni are invited to attend/participate in all institutional and alumni activities of their interest.
  5. UC Alumni Open House Activities
  6. Alumni Updates: Alumni shall have access to relevant university news and updates.

Career Services

  1. Seminars and Workshops - The Alumni Office initiates a series of seminars and workshops aimed at making graduating students more competitive and marketable.
  2. Job Board - Alumni and graduating students may view listings of full-time jobs and internship opportunities from UC's industry partners.
  3. Career/Job Fairs- An annual career fair is conducted in partnership with the Office of the Student Affairs and Services that invites potential employers from top companies and industries.
  4. Partnership Programs - This program aims to promote partnership with local and multi-national companies and other institutions who are potential scholarship donors or employers of UC graduates.
  5. Alumni Reach-out Caravan - The Alumni Affairs Office, College Deans/Department Chairs/ College-alumni Representatives pay visits to selected partners or institutions where a considerable number of UC alumni is employed.


Alumni Tracer

  • Please accomplish the Alumni Tracer form and send it to [email protected]
  • Your information will be uploaded in the Alumni Directory of the university.

The UC-BCF Alumni ID

Who are qualified to apply for the UC-BCFAA ID Card?

Graduates* of Baguio Colleges, Baguio Colleges Foundation and now the University of the Cordilleras.

(*Graduates are those who have either been awarded diplomas and/or conferred degrees in the undergraduate and post-graduate levels)

How to Apply?
  1. Visit the UC Alumni Affairs Office at Rm. M403, Main Building, UC Main Campus. Bring 1 copy of your 2x2 or 1x1 ID picture with white background.
  2. Secure and accomplish an Alumni ID Application Form.
  3. Submit the accomplished form to the Alumni Personnel.
  4. Pay Php 150.00 for the Alumni ID Card Fee at the Cashier.
  5. Claim your Alumni ID after three (3) working days at the Alumni Affairs Office.
Benefits of the UC-BCF Alumni ID Card
  1. Entrance to the UC campus.
  2. Use of library facilities.
  3. Assistance in university matters.
  4. Homecomings/Reunion services.
  5. Automatic donation to the UCBCFAA Alumni Fund which is used for various community projects and engagements.

Alumni Announcements


Alumni Announcements


Alumni Announcements


Alumni Photos