UC Logo, UC Hymn & UC March

The Foundation Seal

The rice terraces, often called the eighth wonder of the world, is a symbol of the genius of our race. They show the industry, patience and skill of the early Filipinos in this part of the highlands where UC is situated.

The leaves of the pine tree, an evergreen, denote youth and its fresh and courageous outlook.

The torch, the classical symbol of learning, means that while UC is dedicated to the cultivation of a distinct Filipino culture, it has profited from the teachings of other cultures.

The shield implies that education, the birthright of everyone, is a protection against the inadequacy, intolerance, and slavery of the mind.

The UC Hymn

Composer: Dr. Rodolfo Cornejo

  • Hold high the torch;
  • Let its blaze reach all corners,
  • Throughout the world
  • to lighten the course of darkness.
  • Keep wise and well not forgetting fidelity,
  • To our Alma Mater, wherever we may be
  • Keep our hearts together with glowing
  • love and loyalty.
  • Hold tight the shield,
  • And defend our dear country
  • We must not yield
  • To threats made upon our safety.
  • This is the pledge
  • We shall keep till our dying day.
  • To our Alma Mater, wherever we may be
  • Keep our hearts together
  • With glowing love and loyalty.

UC-BCF March

Composer: Dr. Rodolfo Cornejo

  • Up the zigzag road, you will find your way
  • Leading to the gate of learning,
  • Give the place some thought, you can't go astray
  • There is where you'll hear them singing
  • *** Neath the tall and stalwart pine trees
  • Our Alma Mater proudly stands;
  • Over hill and over valleys with full command upon the strand
  • There is where my mind is nourished
  • With the wisdom that I need
  • There is where I reap some knowledge
  • My heart to strengthen my creed.
  • ***
  • Hear the murmur of those pine trees
  • Feel the softness of mountain breeze
  • If you have some ambition
  • The right inspiration, you'll find in the Baguio Colleges
  • (Repeat ***)