College of Business Administration

The College of Business Administration aims to develop and enhance world-class graduates in the field of business administration imbued with social responsibilities and humane values. The college has been contributing to the development of skilled professionals as evidenced by graduates employed in government service and private institutions including practitioners in their respective fields of specialization. The college offers: Business Management , Business Economics and Research, Financial Management, Marketing Management, Entrepreneurship and Office Administration .



When Baguio Colleges Foundation opened its door in July 1946 to the youth of Baguio and the Cordilleras, 156 students enrolled in courses in Engineering, Education, Liberal Arts, Law and Commerce.

It was in 1950 that four-year Bachelor of Science in Commerce (BSC) was granted government recognition. In the same year a lone graduate received the BSC degree. From 53 students in 1946, enrolment grew in the succeeding years by leaps and bounds. There were 106 Commerce enrollees in 1950 and continued to increase. By 1960, enrolment rose to 277 students and reached the thousand mark in 1970 at 1,038 enrollees.

In 1961, the Junior Secretarial Science Course (JSC) and the General Clerical Course (GCC) earned the school government recognition. Later, the Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Administration (BSSA) was offered and had the first graduate in 1978. There were 20 graduates conferred with the degree in 1996 adding to a total of 233 (BSSA) holders. Responding to modern technology, the department offered the two-year Computer Secretarial with government recognition, issued in 1993.

In January 1990, former DECS Secretary Isidro D. Cariño issued DECS Order No. 5 s. 1990 phasing out the accounting major in BSC, BSBA and BBA courses and adopting in its place a separate course, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA).

The purpose of the DECS Order is to address the need for a professional identity for accounting education. The aim is to provide means for students to acquire knowledge, proficiency and intellectual abilities of providing service, which the public needs and the capacity to grow and develop into fully qualified professional accountants.

The first batch of graduates under this new thrust of accounting education totaled to 25 students. About four of these graduates took the CPA Board Examinations. The Accountancy program has attracted about 900 enrollees for the first semester of school-year 1996-1997.

In order to address the specific needs of the students, the college was divided into two, the College of Accountancy (CoA) and the College of Business Administration (CBA) effective school year 2001-2002.

It was in school year 2003-2004 that the College of Business Administration (CBA) offered a program in Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management which eventually became a separate college in school year 2005-2006.

The college reaffirms its continuous commitment towards service not only to the students but also to the community at large and the nation as a whole. The leadership and dedication of the deans steered the course of the college. Among those who served as deans were Luz-Diokno Yandok, Maximo Rayela, Felix Dueñas, Vicente Bareng, Jr., Pedro Tagudar Sr., Victor Punsalan, Alfonso Maniago and Primitivo Bambao. The late seventies and eighties saw the stints of Marieta Paragas, Jesus Benjamin Salvosa, Leonardo dela Cruz, Alfred-Jose Herbolario, Hermenigildo Cruz, Corazon Concepcion, Evelyn Tagudar, Saturnino Y. Ebusca.

Deans Narciso Pascua, Evelyn C. Pineda, and Leonarda R. Aguinalde brought the college to greater heights during the mid 90s up to school year 2007-2008. In school year 2008-2009 up to present, the deanship is held by Rhodora A. Ngolob.

CBA offers programs in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), Office Management (OM) and Entrepreneurship to prepare students for their respective careers. The BSBA Program are recognized and are officially accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU).

The college with its unwavering commitment to quality education towards global competitiveness partnered with Australian Trade Training College-North Brisbane in school year 2010-2011, in order to provide a competency-based business education to future successful business practitioners here in the country and the world.

Mission and Vision


CBA's mission is to sustain peak performance in training and develop students well-equipped with functional knowledge and relevant skills, technology-adept and innovative who are competitive locally and globally and imbued with humane values and germane work ethic.


The College envisions itself as a vibrant network of collective excellence in the various fields of management disciplines with unwavering commitment to quality education towards global competitiveness.

College Goals and Objectives

    Specifically, the college aims to:

    1. provide conducive environment for teaching-learning process to enable students and faculty to be highly motivated;
    2. produce applied research in tandem with teaching and as output requirement for students in every course;
    3. provide related learning experience to students through tie-ups and linkages via community service, industry immersion, practicum and learnership to enrich the curricula;
    4. develop English proficiency both in oral and written, developed as aptitude for interpersonal relationship and effective communication;
    5. integrate entrepreneurship in every course as a life-coping skill and an alternative to employment;
    6. instill relevant values and professional ethics for responsible practice and responsive service in any endeavor; and
    7. periodically update syllabi and curricula with the inputs of experts along the best practices in the business and industry sector.


Further, the college aims to instill the following values to all CBA students.

Commitment to Excellence

Every CBA student is expected to do his/her best in everything he/she does. The student should continually strive to become better every day and to work hard and be the best in every situation under all circumstances.

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."
- Aristotle

Be Respectful

Every CBA student is expected to be respectful at all times. He/she should respect the dignity of all persons and the opinion and property of others.

"Respect your fellow human being, treat them fairly, disagree with them honestly, enjoy their friendship, explore your thoughts about one another candidly, work together for a common goal and help one another achieve it."
- Bill Bradley

"As we grow as unique person, learn to respect the uniqueness of others"
- Robert H. Schuller

Academic Honesty

Every CBA student is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Student's ignorance is not an excuse for academic dishonesty.

Academic dishonesty includes misrepresentation, lying, cheating, stealing and using unauthorized materials on any assignment, quiz, exam and other academic requirements.

"Each time you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure."
- Joseph Sugarman

Academic Announcements


Academic Announcements


Academic Announcements


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