Student Development Programs & Services

Student Affairs Office

The Student Affairs Office performs in a supportive role and within a wide range of student related functions. The Student Affairs Office leads, directs, and administers overall functions of Student Clubs and Organizations.

The following are some of the specific services and responsibilities of the office:

  • Administrative Advisory role to the SSG, and Student Organizations.
  • Facilitate student complaints and grievances in compliance with procedures for conflict resolution.
  • Promote a "Quality of Campus Life" for students.
  • Facilitate communication and understanding of perspectives among the faculty, staff, students, and community.
  • Promote the "shared governance" concept with student involvement.
  • Enforces the Student Code of Conduct through the Student Disciplinary Policy.
  • Promote student involvement in campus life programs and activities to complement student educational experiences at University of the Cordilleras.
  • The Student Affairs Office is located in Room S219a.

Orientation - Convocation

Within the first two weeks after classes have officially begun, the Student Affairs Office conducts an Orientation Convocation for every College. This helps new students to be familiar with the philosophy, vision, mission of the school, the institutional rules, policies and regula­tions, the school facilities, the administrators, faculty and staff, school activities, clubs and organizations, career guidance, student services, and other information. To augment the general orientation, personnel from the Guidance Center and Library hold smaller classroom interaction dealing with more specific matters.

Announcements / Bulletin Boards

Posting of Announcements:

  1. Announcements refer to all messages/notices that are printed, mimeographed or photocopied for information or circulation purposes.
  2. Posting of announcements are allowed to the following groups:
    • Accredited Clubs/Student Organizations
    • All UC colleges/departments
    • All UC students
    • Government Agencies
    • NGOs
  3. Announcements coming from the Administration, Finance, and Academic Affairs will be given priority. If enough space is available to accommodate other notices, announcements from other offices of UC will then be accepted.
  4. All materials for posting are subject to approval by the Dean of Student Affairs.
  5. Those that do not require the approval are the following:

    1. Announcements coming from any of the school officials; and
    2. Announcements from Deans of the Colleges

    Note: Announcements from faculty members may only be posted on bulletin boards near their College and only upon approval of their respective College Deans.

  6. Posters of outside activities may be posted within the school campus but only on designated posting areas as determined by the SAO.
  7. Only well presented and grammatically correct announcements shall be allowed for posting.
  8. The bulletin boards are the only designated posting areas.
  9. No posting of announcements on walls, window panes and doors.
  10. The following publications will not be allowed for posting:
    1. All publications that directly or indirectly advertise/promote the use of liquor, cigarettes, and other substances injurious to the health, the environment, the safety and welfare of the people (Rule IV, Sec. 7a. DECS Regulation on Journalism Act, 1991);
    2. Materials with lewd or indecent pictures;
    3. Libelous articles or those that may injure the reputation of any member of the Academic community;
    4. Seditious articles and/or those that may incite the UC community to rebel against the Administration;
    5. Propaganda materials;
    6. Posters/streamers that are too big or those that may occupy a very large space; (Allowable size: min. size 8.5" x 11", max. size 13" x 19") and
    7. Notices that have grammatical errors.

    Note: Those not falling within the abovementioned publications may be allowed for posting but after the approval of the Director of Student Affairs.

  11. Any notices, posters, and/or streamers not duly approved by the Director of Student Affairs shall be removed by any member of the SAO.
  12. Announcements, posters, and/or streamers must be removed as soon as the activity is done.

Student VISA and Related Requirements

The Registrar's Office can provide information on, as well as facilitate, the acquisition of Philippine student visas and the accomplishment of other requirements for foreign students.

Considerations for Physically Challenged Students

The University of the Cordilleras recognizes the worth of each and every member of the academic community. It caters to everyone, including the physically challenged students. It extends help by providing these students with some considerations during their stay at the University. These are the following:

  1. They will be assisted and will be given priority during the enrolment.
  2. Students who have visual impairments will be allowed to sit at the front row during classes.
  3. Student volunteers on activities that necessitate assistance will aid students with psychomotor impairments.

Freshmen Online Survey

Student Announcements


Student Announcements


Student Announcements


Student Photos