Bachelor of Science in Psychology

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology is a three-year degree program in the trimester school calendar system. The program examines the science behind individual and collective behavior. It features both active and collaborative experiences in addition to intensive internship experiences, and is most appropriate for students who wish to develop a set of applied scientific and human relations skills that will prepare them for entry-level employment in a wide range of government and private human service organizations and agencies, and in business and industry.


  1. It aims to provide undergraduate students with a solid basic foundation on the major areas of psychology which may also be used as preparation for further studies and training in particular specializations of psychology or other professions such as education, law, and business management.
  2. It provides preparation for further studies in medicine.

Competency Standards:

Graduates of BS Psychology are expected to be able to:

  1. Demonstrate theoretical knowledge in psychology, specifically,
    • Demonstrate an understanding of theories, principles, concepts, and skills in psychology;
    • Develop and sustain arguments about established principles in psychology;
    • Critically evaluate the established principles in psychology; and
    • Comprehend and evaluate new information related to psychology that may be presented in various forms and from various sources.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the methods of psychological inquiry, specifically,
    • Understand and explain the main methods of inquiry in psychology;
    • Critically evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems in the field; and
    • Apply this knowledge to make judgments and create approaches to solving problems in an applied or an employment context.
  3. Apply psychological theories and methods, specifically,
    • Correctly apply the theories, principles, concepts and skills in psychology in an employment context;
    • Undertake research using the knowledge and skills in psychology, and communicate the results of such research to both specialist and non-specialist audiences
  4. Demonstrate understanding of the ethical dimensions of the use of psychological theories and methods.
  5. Undertake further training for developing existing skills and acquiring higher level competencies either through formal graduate education or in an employment context.

As such, graduates of BS Psychology are capable of handling basic job requirements in the field of teaching, research, human resource management, basic psychometrics, training and development and in further developing relevant knowledge and skills.

Specific Professions/Careers/Occupations or Trades (with further specialized training):

  1. Helping professions - psychotherapy, medicine
  2. Education - teaching, research
  3. Business and Governmental Organizations - human resource selection, training and development
  4. Civil Society - community development

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